Ownership and Intellectual Property

All patterns and content on this website are the exclusive property of Yarn Over with Natasha. Unauthorized sharing, distribution, or reproduction of these patterns outside of the subscription group is strictly prohibited. Finished toys created from these patterns can be made to be resold online or at markets, the pattern itself may not be sold or used in Crochet teaching classes. Finished toys purchased from the website may not be resold at markets or online.

Payment and Personal Information

We utilize PayFast as our secure payment gateway to ensure the protection of your financial information. By purchasing from our website, you consent to the use of your personal details for the sole purposes of processing, shipment, and delivery of your order. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and will not share your information with third parties unrelated to these processes.

Consumer Protection and Compliance

Our operations comply with South African e-commerce regulations, including the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (ECTA) and the Consumer Protection Act (CPA). These laws ensure that consumers are treated fairly and have access to redress mechanisms in case of disputes.

Returns and Refunds

We adhere to the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), which applies to all transactions between suppliers and consumers in South Africa, including online transactions. However due to the nature of the product being digital, no refunds will be accepted unless one of the following issues accrue. The product does not match the description, the product is of very poor quality. Read description of the product carefully, as no refunds will be issued if a pattern was mistaken for a finished toy.
Refunds on toys and custom orders: No refunds will be issued 7days after deposit or payment for pre-orders is made. If refund is requested before the 7day time period, 5% of the amount will be deducted for banking, processing fees, materials, and time already spent making the order. Damaged products- Yarn Over with Natasha does not hold any responsibility for any damaged goods or loses during transportation of goods, all parcels are sent at own risk. Poor quality- I take great care of making sure all my finished toys are of high quality, if there is any fault in the product please contact me immediately. no Refunds will be issued 3days after toy have been received or if it’s clear that the toy was damaged due to rough play.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please contact us at: admin@yarnoverwithnatasha.co.za

Orders Email: orders@yarnoverwithnatasha.co.za
Pattern related questions: admin@yarnoverwithnatasha.co.za
Address: Upington, South Africa
By using this website and making purchases, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions.